The ClarkeModet-UPM Chair of the Polytechnic University of Madrid brought together in Madrid International Lab the video game sector with the university community in its...
In order to achieve the objectives set out in the Chair, both parties agree to carry out the following activities:
The ClarkeModet-UPM Chair of the Polytechnic University of Madrid brought together in Madrid International Lab the video game sector with the university community in its...
On October 2nd began the training course for the commercialization of technologies that is being developed throughout this October, it is a course with specialized days...
Divided research groups have been created within the Forums:
Fruit of it is the consolidation of a collection of publications and research on topics of interest of these subjects.
Technology Watch Bulletin: Biometrics
More information in:
The UPM Chair-ClarkeModet and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas – OEPM) present the report “First filing in the...