Breakfast with Mr. Joao Negoro, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Legal Affairs of EUIPO and Mr. José Luis Barbero, Director of the Distinctive Signs Department of the OEPM
Within the days that we held in the framework of the UPM Chair – Clarke, Modet & Co España, I would like to send you this personal invitation for the Colloquium-Breakfast that we will celebrate the next Thursday, March 23 at 9:30a.m., with Mr. Joao Negoro, Director of the Department of International Cooperation and Legal Affairs of EUIPO and Mr José Luis Barbero, Director of the Distinctive Signs Department of the OEPM, which will summarise the latest legislative changes that have taken place and will be planned, as well as the special and collaborative programmes they have in this area.
Brands are one of the modalities that best allow to manage and heritage the innovative effort. Spain has a privileged position in this area. According to the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO), it ranks 6th in the world in external applications (by equivalent criteria) and is home to two of the most recognized and dynamic institutions in this field: the Intellectual Property Office of European Union (EUIPO) for Europe and the same Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (OEPM), a reference in the Latin American world.
Both offices have recently made significant changes to their legislation with the entry into force on 23 March 2016 of the New European Union Trade Mark Regulation (EUIPO) and new Trade Marks Bill (EEPM). They also have very interesting specific programs in fields such as anti-piracy or training.
We will have a maximum of 15 places for breakfast. If you want to sign up, you can send an email to or call +34 918065600.
The duration will be a maximum of one and a half hours, including the time for the colloquium with the speakers. Although the day starts at 9:30h, from 9:00h we will be with them having a coffee in the same room, so, if you want to join, it will be a pleasure to count on you.
Location: C/ Quiñones serum 34-36 28002, Madrid.