The ClarkeModet-UPM Chair of the Polytechnic University of Madrid brought together in Madrid International Lab the video game sector with the university community in its first day University+Company.

The ClarkeModet-UPM Chair of the Polytechnic University of Madrid held its first University+Enterprise, Video Games, Intellectual Property and R&D&I Conference in Madrid International Lab; a meeting focused on the intellectual property of this industry in Spain, the fourth at European level and ninth in the world. In addition to reviewing the main legal aspects that developers and users must take into account, some of the great challenges currently facing the industry were discussed.

Jorge Pumariega, Alvaro Ramos, Miguel Holgado, Daniel Gonzalez, Marta Trivi and Luís Oliván.

During the development of the talk Legal protection of video games and entertainment software, Jorge Pumariega, consultant in Industrial and Intellectual Property, ClarkeModetexplained that “the intellectual property of a video game is usually enormous” and the protection of the creations of all those involved in the creation of a video game “we can find it in the Intellectual Property Law and will be protected as long as they are original creations and have a plasmaity”. For his part, Alvaro Ramos,Director of New Technologies and Data Protection at ClarkeModet,stressed the importance of users knowing the terms and conditions of the licenses of use.

Alvaro Ramos and Jorge Pumariega of the ClarkeModet Group

At the round table Past, present and future of the video game industry in Spain,the journalist and gamer Marta Trivi carried the baton of the colloquium between Daniel González, Director of Communication at the Master in Video Game Design and Development from the Polytechnic University of Madrid,and Luís Oliván,member of the board of directors of the Spanish association of companies producing and developers of videojuices (DEV). They shared ideas, views and proposals on some of the major challenges facing the sector today, such as attracting female talent in the most technical areas, the need for access to tax incentives that facilitate the growth of women SMEs in this sector or the fundamental role of education and training in making the sector continue to grow and attract new talent.

Daniel González, Luís Oliván, Jorge Pumariega and Alvaro Ramos

The day closed with the intervention of the Director of the ClarkeModet-UPM Chair, Miguel Holgado, who stated that from the Chair we intend to promote collaboration and contact between the University and the Society, fostering this type of encounters between the university community and those sectors that stand out for their contribution to R&D&I, their involvement with the evolution of IP and its relevance at the economic and employment level.

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